Make Informed Decisions: Rent or Buy with Confidence

Accurately forecast your cash flow to see if buying a home fits your financial future. Plan for life's milestones and avoid financial surprises.

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Take Control of Your Financial Future

Are you contemplating whether to continue renting or take the plunge into homeownership? Our comprehensive cash flow forecasting tool empowers you to make the right choice based on your unique financial situation.

How it works

  • Input Your Financial Details: Enter your regular expenses like monthly rent or mortgage payments, irregular costs such as semi-annual car insurance, one-time expenses, and all sources of income.
  • Get Detailed Forecasts: View your cash flow projections for the next 30 days, 12 months, and 5 years to understand how your finances evolve over time.
  • Make Confident Decisions: See the full picture of how buying a house will impact your cash flow, helping you avoid becoming house poor.
  • Coming soon! Compare Scenarios: Easily see your cash-flow forecast between renting vs. buying a home. Understand how your finances change with each scenario.
  • Coming soon! Plan for Life Changes: Toggle future events like "Have a Baby" to automatically include related expenses—insurance deductibles, diapers, daycare, and more.

Unlike basic calculators, our tool provides a nuanced analysis that considers all your financial events, giving you a realistic outlook on homeownership.

Made for any type of income or expense

Tansy is built to accomodate any type of income or expense on any frequency. Tansy adapts to your life.

Set an Event to Any Frequency
Events (income or expense) can be set to daily, weekly, monthly or yearly at any interval. For example, Tansy works for biweekly paychecks, twice a month paychecks, every 3 days of gas for the car.
Calendar View
See your daily cash flow forecast along with each upcoming event on a calendar view. You can easily see what's coming up for income or expenses and how that affects your cashflow.
Simple Up Keep
After your initial set-up, each day you log into Tansy, you just need to update your balance and you'll immediately have an updated forecast.
Chart View
See your daily cash flow over different lengths of time: the next 30 days, 12 months, and 5 years. Test out different scenarios like a new car payment and see their impact in the Chart View.
Share Your Tansy Forecast
Easily invite others to view your Tansy forecast. You can both easily manage your personal cash-flow and get on the same page quickly.
No Bank Account Needed
Tansy doesn't require you to link your bank account. You don't have to worry about fixing broken bank account links or re-typing your bank account password each time you log in to Tansy.

Frequently asked questions

What if I currently own a home and I'm assessing whether to sell and buy a different home?

Tansy can help you assess the financial impact of selling your current home and buying a new one. You can input the details of your current home and the new home you're considering, and Tansy will show you how your cash flow will change.

If I share my account will they be able to make changes to events or log a balance?

Yes. When you share your account, the other person will be able to make changes to events or log a balance.

Is Tansy still useful even if I'm not planning to buy a home?

Yes. Tansy is useful for anyone who wants to know how much money they will have in their bank account in the future. You can use Tansy to forecast your cash flow for any scenario, not just buying a home.

Is Tansy useful if I charge everything to a credit card?

Not yet. Tansy is useful for anyone who wants to know how much money they will have in their bank account in the future. However, Tansy is not yet configured to handle forecasting when everything is charged to a credit card. We are working on this feature and hope to have it available soon.

What if I want to set up forecast two separate bank accounts?

You just create a new forecast within your account. You can have as many forecasts as you want, but you are charged for each forecast.

What types of scenarios can I test out in Tansy?

The options are endless, but here are a few examples: - What if I get a new job with a different pay frequency? - What if I want to pay off my credit card faster? - What if I want to save for a vacation? You can test out any scenario you want to see how it affects your daily cash flow forecast. We're working on functionality that will allow you to compare different scenarios side by side.

Does Tansy have an iOS or Android app?

Not yet. In the meantime, you can create a shortcut to Tansy's website on your phone's home screen. Check out this link for instructions.

I have questions or feedback. How can I get in touch?

We'd love to hear from you! You can email us at [email protected].